Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

The end of an era: Cardinal Times seniors spread their wings

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About the Contributors
Coral Platt
Coral Platt, Managing Digital Editor
Coral Platt is a junior this year. She is excited to see how the paper and staff progress throughout the year and how they can further reflect the voices of the student body. She enjoys writing news pieces and op-eds. Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Meghan Whitten
Meghan Whitten, Sports Editor
Meghan is a sophomore this year. It's her first time on the paper, so she is excited for the experience and the chance to be a part of this amazing community! She is also excited to write for a publication! She loves sports and opinion pieces because they are so entertaining and fun to write!
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Nidha Eakambaram
Nidha Eakambaram, News and Features Editor
Nidha is a junior this year. She is excited for the paper and journalism programs to grow and reach a wider audience, and to keep uplifting the voices of students. Her favorite part of Cardinal Times is being able to connect and collaborate with other people to inform the public and create a positive impact on the community.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Darby Drozdenko
Darby Drozdenko, Mass Comm Editor
Darby is a sophomore this year. She is excited for writing various types of articles and enjoys interviewing people and learning about different parts of Lincoln.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
William Schoinas
William Schoinas, Managing Digital Editor
William is a junior this year. He is excited to take a key role in expanding the amount of people reading the Cardinal Times through the digital side of the paper. His favorite part of working on the newspaper is collaborating with classmates and friends to make stronger and more impactful pieces. Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line
Amanda Schubert
Amanda Schubert, Design Editor
Amanda is a sophomore this year. She is excited to work with the staff and be a part of the class community and loves to write opinion pieces and sports articles. She also really enjoys designing.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Gwenie Lee
Gwenie Lee, Reporter
Gwenie is a sophomore this year. She is excited to learn more about photo editing and enjoys writing enjoys writing opinion and news pieces.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Meagan Parke
Meagan Parke, Reporter
Meagan is a junior this year. She is excited to learn more about reporting and meet new people, and loves podcasting.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Onika Darling
Onika Darling, Reporter
Onika is a junior this year. She is excited to write articles and conduct interviews, and her favorite part of being on the paper is writing sports articles.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Siri Lindsey
Siri Lindsey, Reporter
Siri is a sophomore this year. She is excited to write opinion stories this year!
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Scarlett Dempsey
Scarlett Dempsey, Opinion Editor & Design Editor
Scarlett is a sophomore this year. She is excited to learn more about the news process and become a better writer. Her favorite part of newspaper is design.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Leila Holte
Leila Holte, Reporter
Leila is a junior this year. She is really excited to get to know everyone on the staff, and to be a part of something that is important and central to the Lincoln community. She loves writing reviews and other opinion pieces. Mostly, she loves getting to know other people and hearing their stories and opinions.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.

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