Seniors push to find more affordable ways for college

Chart on the number of ways seniors can afford college and how often students use them.

Brooke'Helen Delane

Chart on the number of ways seniors can afford college and how often students use them.

Cost is one of the most important factors that students and their families take into consideration when making decisions about college.

Aliera Zeldon Morasch is the college career coordinator who helps students with applying for scholarships and financial aid. Resources are available at the College and Career Center for students to access to help them find a college that fits all of their needs.

“Public universities in Oregon tend to be less expensive than private universities and colleges so that’s another more affordable pathway sometimes.There’s resources in the college center page that I send out in an email [to all juniors and seniors],” said Morasch.

Senior Will Minns will be attending University of Oregon partly because of how affordable it is.

“I’m going to the University of Oregon mainly because it’s affordable, it’s close by and my family went there,” said Minns.

Senior Colby Herman will also be going to the University of Oregon in the fall for various reasons, including costs.

“I will be attending the University of Oregon because it was my cheapest option in terms of financial aid and because it was one of the only schools where I could really transfer my IB credits and get a scholarship,” said Herman.

Seniors can access these sources on the college and career center web page located on the Lincoln website, as well as other ways provided by Morasch.

“I try a lot of different ways to get the resources out to students, but I know students have a lot of information coming out to them and so I try to find different ways to make those resources accessible,” said Morasch.

Minns will be using scholarships from the University of Oregon to afford the tuition.

“[University of Oregon] gives out a lot of scholarships based on your GPA, so as long as your GPA is about a 3.5 you usually get a decent amount for it. It’s in state so it’s already going to be a lot cheaper than scholarships for other schools,” said Minns.

Herman says she will be using her college funds and money she makes from her job to pay for college.

“I have a college fund that I will be relying on mostly and my parents will be trying to help as much as possible, but they can’t help a lot. So I will be working a job in Eugene,” said Herman.