Profile: Siena Causevic

Addison Locke

Sophomore Siena Causevic in the Lincoln hallways. Causevic researches different social issues to help educate others.

Addison Locke

Lincoln sophomore Siena Causevic works alongside co-founder of @keyforshe, Beatrice Sergeant, to create simple teachings about the importance of gender equality and empowering young women by creating an activist guide for teenage girls on Instagram @keyforshe.

Causevic was inspired by various women who advocate for important issues. 

“I was actually inspired by Luna Abadia who started her own project for climate activism @effective.climate.action on Instagram,” said Causevic. “We wanted to create a platform where anyone (specifically teenage girls) can learn about issues that are oppressing them and are relevant to them that are not taught in school.”

On @keyforshe Causevic and Sergeant cover informational topics such as gender norms and the gender pay gap. They have also published profiles on influential female activists. Causevic says education is very important, because without it, we become blind to injustices that may be perceived as normal. 

“The biggest thing for me has been readjusting my view of the world and figuring out how to still be positive while being an activist,” says Causevic. “The concept of feminism is so misundersood that getting a greater education or talking with a woman in your life about her experience, [and] ultimately educating yourself, is the most impactful thing you can do to change the world.” 

Causevic is commited to educating others on the important roles of gender norms and feminism in the world we live in. 

“Think about it like a scale,” says Causevic.  “It’s often interpreted that women want to tip that scale in the other direction when really, it’s about creating an equilibrium and finding a middle ground. This isn’t about taking things from men and giving them to women, it’s about giving women what we provide for men. It’s as simple as that.”