The perfect school bag is something that can be hard to find. With all of the different options it can be daunting for students to balance comfort, style and practicality. This year at Lincoln, a new bag is dominating the hallways: the tote bag.
Tote bags are a simple, practical design, with two shoulder straps and enough room to store groceries, school books, art supplies and more. Ranging in prices from $5 from the thrift store to the $200 Marc Jacobs “The Tote Bag,” tote bags are everything one needs in a bag.
Senior Luella Gerth has a denim tote bag, adorned with pink accents and a corset-like lace.
“I’ve noticed a lot of people have tote bags and I definitely think it can reflect your personal style. I think my bag does [reflect my personal style] because I really love the color pink and wear it a lot,” said Gerth.
Senior Sylvia Goodyke has also noticed how tote bags fit her style more.
“I prefer a tote bag with a zipper so then it can close, and overall a tote bag is more stylish and a little more comfortable,” said Goodyke. “I think Tote bags are a little more accessible, comfortable, and looks more mature as well.”
Senior Adriana Starr has found that tote bags are good for their simplicity.
“I find that tote bags are easier, simple and less of a hassle,” said Starr.
Starr ultimately made the shift for comfort reasons.
“I prefer a tote bag because it has less weight and it does not hurt my back as much. … When I would carry a backpack I would experience severe back pain.”
Senior Neve Erdman has found that a tote bag is more useful in the future.
“It was time to get something that I can use beyond school and repurpose outside of just school…I want to be able to bring it and use it in college,” said Erdman.
Erdman shares how fewer textbooks in her classes influenced her choice.
“I have nothing against backpacks,” said Erdman, “I just prefer a tote bag because I do not have a ton of stuff to take to school anymore.”
The switch from a usual backpack to a tote bag started as a small trend but has quickly gained attention. Students have recognized tote bags are a mix of style, comfort and convenience. Tote bags are more than just a fashion choice but a symbol of how students are rethinking different areas of their school life.