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The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Zoey Westlund: Yearbook editor-in-chief

Senior Zoey Westlund has been in the journalism program for all four years of high school. Not only that, they are the clarinet section leader in Lincoln’s symphonic band. 

Westlund knew they wanted to go into the journalism program at Lincoln ever since they had their eighth-grade visit to the school.

 “My freshman year I took Mass Communications with Ms. Rechner and specifically she had us do an editorial piece about a video game that had come out just then and I just really enjoyed that,” says Westlund. “Also when I took my eighth grade trip to Lincoln they were handing out newspapers; I still like having the 2019 newspapers they gave me.”

After Mass Comms, Westlund decided to take yearbook and has been in the class for three years.

“I’ve been doing it for so long [and] I’ve loved being able to see how I’ve improved or how I need to improve and it’s also kinda euphoric to be […] able to open the book and see what pictures I took,” said Westlund.

Westlund has many fond memories during their time on yearbook. 

“My favorite memory of yearbook would definitely be sophomore year distribution when we handed things out in the old building,” says Westlund. “Every single person in the school was there picking it up at once.”

While Westlund has been in band all four years of high school, they have been playing clarinet since fourth grade. 

 “If I’m being honest my mom made me join a band at Skyline which basically has no music program,” said Westlund. “the [teacher] ended up doing a club after school for [band] that he funded himself. It was between clarinet, flute and trumpet [and because] it was so little limited [I decided to] choose clarinet.”

In addition to enjoying the yearbook and band during their time at Lincoln, Westlund also made many friends, including Oscar Price.

“I have known Zoey for two and a half years and we met in band,” said Price. “There is a funny story behind it; because of the way band was formatted and the fact that we were wearing masks, I didn’t know Zoey’s name until about March in my sophomore year.”

Over the summer, Westlund will be a camp counselor for seven weeks, but when the school year starts they will be attending the University of Oregon with a major in education.

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