Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Oliver Trummer: Reporter

Cole Tomlinson
In his first year on the paper senior Oliver Trummer produced articles, opinion pieces and photojournalism.

Senior Oliver Trummer joined The Cardinal Times this year as a reporter. He has written a wide variety of articles ranging from the evolving SAT to the lacrosse season. Not only does he write, he also enjoys photography and has contributed several photojournalism pieces to the paper.

“I like learning about a topic and I think writing an article is an interesting way to write that I haven’t really learned anywhere else. It’s kind of cool to present facts that way,” said Trummer.

Trummer is most proud of his work reporting on Lincoln’s language classes.

“The most interesting [article] I did was an opinion piece about language classes here at Lincoln and why they aren’t so effective,” said Trummer. “It required the most research and the most interviews. It was challenging to write, but it was interesting and pretty fun.”

In his personal time, Trummer working at the McMenamins in Rock Creek.

“That’s 90% of my time outside of school. I like to play soccer, read, hang out with my friends, and hang out with my girlfriend.” said Trummer.

Jasper Wilson, a Grant High School senior and one of Trummer’s best friends, comments on Trummer’s considerate character.

“If I had to describe his personality in one word … I would say thoughtful.  ‘Thoughtful’ describes him pretty well. He always thinks about what he does and tries to make smart decisions. I really look up to him,”  said Wilson.

Trummer plans to go to Portland State University to study engineering.

“I’m interested in the math and science parts of school. I think that’d be a good fit for where my interests are. My goal is to get a degree in engineering,” Trummer said.

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Cole Tomlinson
Cole Tomlinson, Sports Media Editor
Cole is a senior this year. He is excited for the team camaraderie and being a senior. His favorite part of working on newspaper is discussing new article ideas in class meetings. Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.

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