Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Isabella Hartman: Design editor

Kirsti Holley
Design and Visuals Editor Isabella Hartman will be going to the University of Maryland next year, where she will study human development.

Senior Isabella Hartman has been a part of the Mass Communications program since her freshman year, and joined the staff of The Cardinal Times as a designer her sophomore year. 

Hartman took on the role of head designer for her senior year, and has enjoyed different aspects of design and the community in The Cardinal Times .

“I really wanted to be a part of the publication; it sounded like a really good opportunity, and something that I had never done before,” Hartman said.

Over the span of her time on the paper, Hartman has designed the spreads of the paper, as well as writing articles about varying topics. She reflects on her favorite memories these past three years in The Cardinal Times.  

“[One of my] favorite memories would be from sophomore year and we took pictures of the old building before it got demolished. We got to take pictures of things that weren’t going to be there anymore; it was like a time capsule,” Hartman said. “My other favorite memory would be production parties. I love being here late and getting to hang out with everyone. It’s a great environment and I’ve learned a lot, through the [parties].” 

Hartman highlights the benefits of the Cardinal Times and how the newspaper helps inform our community.

“My favorite part of The Cardinal Times is being able to report on both things going on in the school and in the community,” she said. “It’s a great resource for students to learn about what’s going on at Lincoln and for them to hear both student and community voices.” 

After high school, Hartman is going to the University of Maryland and majoring in human development. As she leaves The Cardinal Times, she provides some advice for those working on the paper.

“Find things that you’re interested in and report on those topics. Any type of media is going to be a lot more interesting and a lot more impactful if you’re really passionate about what you’re writing about,” Hartman said. 

Senior Savanna Kenney, one of Hartman’s close friends, talks about how her kindness and hard work has an impact on those around her. 

“My favorite trait of Isabella’s has to be her unwavering loyalty and dedication, not just to her friends and the people she loves, but also to her work,” Kenny said.

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About the Contributor
Amanda Schubert
Amanda Schubert, Design Editor
Amanda is a sophomore this year. She is excited to work with the staff and be a part of the class community and loves to write opinion pieces and sports articles. She also really enjoys designing.
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