Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Anna Klein: Managing print editor

Anna Klein
Senior Anna. Klein will attend the University of British Columbia in the fall and major in psychology

Senior Anna Klein has been on The Cardinal Times since her sophomore year and took the role of Managing Print editor during her senior year. While Klein was never planning on joining the paper, a mix-up in her schedule led to her finding a passion for journalism. 

“It was an accident that I got put in Intro to Mass Communications [my freshman year], but I thought it was really fun and decided to join the paper for a year. Then I met Mary [Carney] and we became friends sophomore year. We started the Cardinal Consultants and I was like ‘well I can’t quit now; I have a thing,’” said Klein. 

The satire advice column “Cardinal Consultants”  became Klein’s trademark. The column solves seemingly ridiculous issues posed by Lincoln students. Klein and her co-writer, senior Mary Carney, started the column in their sophomore year and have released it in almost every issue since. 

“It was just a fun thing. I enjoy writing, and I enjoy being funny and it was a great way to do that with other people,” said Klein.

Klein has enjoyed her time as Managing Print Editor, especially the ability to work with reporters from the beginning to the end of the writing process. 

“I really love reading what everyone wrote and getting to see it in the early stages and also the final version,” said Klein. “That process is super interesting to me.” 

One of Klein’s favorite memories of The Cardinal Times is the annual trip staff members take to Eugene for Fall Media Day.

“We had to leave around 5:00 in the morning and there is something about that early morning bus ride that really bonded everyone,” said Klein.  

Klein is excited to attend the University of British Columbia (UBC) with two of her other friends in the fall. She plans to major in psychology, a topic she has been interested in since middle school. 

“When I was in 7th grade, my mom handed me “Murder on the Orient Express,” and I love trains so I read it. The main detective solves his crimes by understanding student nature. I was like ‘Oh my god, I want to do that’ and that’s what got me interested in psychology,” said Klein. 

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About the Contributors
Nidha Eakambaram
Nidha Eakambaram, News and Features Editor
Nidha is a junior this year. She is excited for the paper and journalism programs to grow and reach a wider audience, and to keep uplifting the voices of students. Her favorite part of Cardinal Times is being able to connect and collaborate with other people to inform the public and create a positive impact on the community.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line.
Anna Klein
Anna Klein, Managing Print Editor
Anna is a senior this year. She is excited for her last year as cardinal consultant #1 (or maybe #1, who knows) and to see how the paper develops throughout the year and after she's gone. Her favorite part of being on the paper is creating photoshop abominations.
Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line

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