Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

The Cardinal Times

Max Decker: Managing digital editor

Kristina Kay
Managing digital editor Max Decker has been on The Cardinal Times since his junior year. Next year, he will study at Tulane University in New Orleans.

Graduating senior Max Decker has spent the last three years as a member of The Cardinal Times. Starting his career off in Mass Communications his sophomore year, Decker spent his time learning about the different components of journalism, from articles to photojournalism. In his junior year, he became the podcast editor and during his senior year, he was named a managing digital editor.

Decker said he hoped to create the best website and social media possible.

“I really think the digital team over the last few years has been non-stop working to modernize the paper and keep up with where people are getting the … news, such as social media platforms,” said Decker.

Decker participated in many other activities during his time at Lincoln. He traveled to Washington D.C. for a leadership trip through Word is Bond, a local non-profit where he is a board member. Decker is also the co-president of Brothers of Color at Lincoln.

Decker said The Cardinal Times was one of his favorite and most meaningful memories.

“The paper was a super important part of my time here, because of the unique stories I got to hear and tell,” said Decker.

Decker will be attending Tulane University in New Orleans, where he hopes to eventually study business or law.

“I’m really excited to go to college, and I know that even though I’m not studying journalism, I’m definitely going to be using all of the skills I’ve learned over the years on the paper in college,” said Decker.

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About the Contributor
William Schoinas
William Schoinas, Managing Digital Editor
William is a junior this year. He is excited to take a key role in expanding the amount of people reading the Cardinal Times through the digital side of the paper. His favorite part of working on the newspaper is collaborating with classmates and friends to make stronger and more impactful pieces. Contact by emailing [email protected] and put the reporter's name in the subject line

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