Notes from student-teacher listening session, 1/22

Cate Bikales

Lincoln’s administrators led a listening session for students on Fri., Jan 22, to provide updates about several different events and scheduling notices for the rest of the 2021 school year.

Cate Bikales

Below is a summary of the student-teacher listening session from Fri., Jan. 22 run by Lincoln administrators.


Limited In-Person Instruction (LIPI) Plan

Lincoln has just submitted a limited in-person instruction plan to the Director of High Schools. Under this plan, 10 students would be allowed into Lincoln each week on Wednesdays, starting on Feb. 24. Seniors who are at risk of not getting the credits they need to graduate will be the priority. If this plan is successful, Lincoln could consider increasing the number of students allowed into the school from 10 to 40, and potentially from 40 to 200. There is currently no plan for a full hybrid or full return to school yet. The admin team would also like to bring certain clubs or affinity groups back in person, but only 10 students would be allowed at a time. If students do not feel comfortable returning to school, it is not required, as distance learning would still continue as usual. 

Will there be online learning next school year?

Next year, school districts will be required to offer continuous distance learning, as there may be some students at high-risk who are still unable to return in-person. Plans for next year are still unsolidified. 

Vaccine distribution?

Teachers will begin having access to vaccines in early February, but are not required to get them. Students are among the lower-priority groups to be vaccinated, and it is likely high schoolers will not see mass inoculations until late spring or early summer of 2021.


What will the PSAT look like for sophomores?

Last month, Lincoln announced that they would not be able to offer the January PSAT exam for sophomores and juniors due to COVID-19 restrictions and state guidance. Sophomores who were unable to test should not be worried. The PSAT for sophomores is just a practice SAT, so you will not be negatively impacted if you have not taken it. If you are interested in practicing, Khan Academy has helpful resources and practice tests available free of cost. 

What will the PSAT look like for juniors?

The PSAT is an opportunity for juniors to be considered for National Merit Scholarship Qualifying (NMSQT). Juniors who would like to be considered for the NMSQT should talk with their school to indicate interest. A student who does not take the PSAT/NMSQT in October 2020 or January 2021 because of school closures, but meets all other requirements for NMSC program participation, may still be able to enter the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program by submitting scores from an administration of the SAT.  The student or a school official must visit the National Merit Scholarship website after the missed PSAT/NMSQT administration to download information about procedures for Alternate Entry to the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. To be considered, a student must complete certain requirements before April 1, 2021.  Please work directly with your school counselor if you have questions on this process.  

What will SAT testing look like for juniors?

Lincoln has announced that they are planning for an April administration of the SAT, allowing all juniors an in-person option to take the test, free of cost, to use both for college processes and for NMSQT.  Over the next few months, Lincoln will be following state guidance (Ready Schools Safe Learners and Third Party Standardized Assessment Guidance), as well as regulations from the Oregon Health Authority to set up the testing environment to allow students to test. School specific plans and directions related to registration for the test, day of test directions, masks, safety, etc. will be communicated to families in the following months. Current testing dates are set for April 13 and/or April 27. At this time, tests are only being offered to juniors. Lincoln is asking students/families to let them know if they would want to participate in the Lincoln High School testing day, if they are to move forward with the test. In order to designate choice, please fill out this Google Form

What will 2021 IB testing look like?

Lincoln is still waiting for an update from IB on when, and if, IB testing is happening this year. Principal Peyton Chapman advises students to plan as if you will be sitting for a test, but be aware that the IA will be really important this year in assessing scores for students. 


The Lincoln admin team is not involved in the decisions being made around the new attendance policy. The process for how attendance is taken was created by the district. The phone call that parents are receiving cannot be turned off, but it is important to keep in mind that the call is just a reminder that you still have time to complete assignments, not that you have officially been marked absent. Keep an eye on StudentVue for accurate attendance and reach out to teachers directly if you have been marked incorrectly. Your teacher will then reach out to Jennifer Herbst, VP Secretary in charge of attendance, enrollment and records, to get it changed. It is important to note that, if you are marked present in three out of four classes a day, you are considered fully present for that entire day. If you miss two out of four, it becomes a half-day absence. Attendance is not going anywhere. For worried seniors, the admin team is not keeping detailed behind the scenes records that will be sent to colleges and universities. Your transcript, along with letters of recommendation and the other parts of your application, will be sent, but nothing about attendance.  


Student Updates


Currently, graduation for Lincoln seniors will occur on June 7 and will look very similar to what graduation for last year’s seniors looked like. Families will drive through the Lincoln parking lot, and every Lincoln grad and their family will get a 15-minute spotlight. Beyond that, it is the district’s decision to decide what more will happen. The admin team hopes to bring in seniors for some closure at some point before they leave for college or other post-high school plans.

Mental Health Mondays

Starting second semester, PE teacher Ken Weinberg will be hosting meditation sessions from 9 to 9:15 a.m. every Monday. 

The Wellness Committee is also considering other activities to continue to promote the wellbeing of students. Current ideas include guest speakers during lunch, fun bonding activities and more. 


The Lincoln leadership team is currently creating a mobile app, called Flockster, to help freshmen feel more connected to Lincoln and the Lincoln community. The app will be pushed out to the public soon for feedback. 

Flock Party

This year’s Flock Party is virtual, meaning anyone who wants to attend is welcome! The Flock Party will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Feb. 4.


The Lincoln admin team will be hosting more listening sessions in the future. If you are interested in attending, check the admin-run Lincoln Instagram or your student email for updates.