Will being a multi-sport athlete be difficult this year?
The uncertainty of the Coronavirus has caused an overlap of the Fall sports season with both winter and spring, creating a challenge for multi-sport athletes.
December 2, 2020
When sports shut down in late March, it looked unclear if there would even be Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA)-sanctioned sports seasons in the 2020-21 school year.
The OSAA has since released a new schedule, however, that includes winter sports starting on Dec. 28th. These sports include basketball, swimming and wrestling. Winter sports will end the week of March 1, 2021.
Fall sports will start in the middle of the winter season on February 22. These sports include Cross Country, Volleyball, Soccer and Football.
Spring sports starting on April 19, including golf, tennis, track and field, baseball and softball, will overlap with the fall sports as well..
Many athletes still want to participate in multiple sports, even if the seasons overlap.
“With the new schedule I am still doing two sports,” junior Justius Lowe said. “They benefit off each other and my coaches [understand] that some days I’ll miss football for basketball, or basketball for football. I have a passion for both sports, and quitting one isn’t anywhere near in my head.”
Junior Greta Halvorson does not have this problem. Her two sports are spread out.
“Both track and soccer were moved to [the] spring season, but they won’t overlap because they were shortened, so I will continue to do both,” said Halvorson.“I will still have club practices for soccer during track season, but practices are at different times.”
Athletes are also working on staying in communication with their coaches. While playing two sports at the same time may be difficult to balance in terms of practice times and game times, it may also be challenging for athletes to keep in touch with multiple coaches.
“Balancing the sports out is definitely going to be difficult, at least for practices, because basketball and football have their practices at the same place and time,” said Lowe. “I think that alternating between both sports will work out only if I advocate for myself so coaches don’t think I’m just skipping practices.”
Halvorson, on the other hand, is happy with how her sports fit into the new schedule.
“I think it’ll be a bit easier to balance both because I have more free time to finish schoolwork and for extra practice time,” said Halvorson.
While this year has presented new challenges with the new schedule, athletes are optimistic about succeeding.
“In the past, it’s been harder balancing two sports because I would have school, then both practices and games or meets during the week as well,” said Halvorson.
Regardless of the new challenges COVID presents for the schedule, Lowe is optimistic.
“In the past, I would say it had been easier because of different seasons, and different practice times,” said Lowe. “This year it will definitely be harder to manage, but I still will continue to try my best at maintaining both sports the best I can.”