Profile: Rebecca Eisenberg

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Eisenberg
Ms. Eisenberg teaches U.S. History and IB History online this year.
December 2, 2020
Balancing being a parent and a teacher while at home is something that US history and IB history teacher Ms. Eisenberg is experiencing during this new stage of distance learning. She has two sons who are at home while she is teaching during the day. Arlo is five and is just starting Kindergarten and Wylie is two.
“I wake up at about 5:30 and grade and answer emails until 6:45, then get my kids up to eat breakfast, get dressed, and get ready for school,” Ms. Eisenberg says while describing her morning routine.
Ms.Eisenberg also notes the benefits of having her sons at home while he is participating in remote learning.
“I appreciate having more time with my son and seeing how he learns,” she said.
Eisenberg says she has gained a greater knowledge of what parents are going through with their children at home all the time.
“My son is five, so his learning in kindergarten is very different from what high schoolers are doing,” Eisenberg says. “But, I definitely have more empathy for parents helping their students learn at home and how difficult it is to juggle the needs of their kids and their own work schedule.”
One of Eisenberg’s concerns with virtual learning is the fact that this is some of her student’s first year in high school.
“I definitely worry about the transition for freshmen from 8th grade to high school, as it is a major adjustment for them,” Eisenberg states. “Not being able to connect with and see them every other day in-person limits my ability to connect and help when I am needed.”
While talking about learning online, Eisenberg says “Feedback from students has been super helpful. I appreciate when kids let me know if something is awkward or confusing, or if I have forgotten to put something on Canvas.”
Between switching from Google Classroom to Canvas and learning our new schedules, virtual learning has had a large number of challenges for everyone.
“Students not turning on cameras has been a huge challenge. It helps me a lot to be able to see kids as they are learning to see if they get it or are confused. I also miss in-person conversations and participation by students. I do not like how virtual learning has put me in the spotlight as much as it has.”
With all the time spent on screens during school, Ms. Eisenberg likes to unwind with her family at the end of the day.
“I work out, hang out with my kids, work in my garden, and read. Anything that is off of my screen is a bonus.”
We are all missing being in the Lincoln building right now. But there is one thing Ms.Eisenberg is missing most:
“The people!”