School poetry slam offers chance to compete at citywide slam

Last years Lincoln poetry slam participants. Winners of the school slam move on to represent Lincoln at a citywide slam.

Jennifer Owen

Last year’s Lincoln poetry slam participants. Winners of the school slam move on to represent Lincoln at a citywide slam.

What: 2017 Verselandia! is the sixth annual high school poetry slam presented by Literary Arts. It is the Grand Slam for the winners from individual school slams hosted by public high school library media specialists. High school poets compete for five great prizes.

Verselandia! has the same rules as national poetry slams: Students’ poetry must be original work; each performance cannot exceed three minutes; and, poets cannot use any props, costumes, or music. Verselandia judges use a scale of one to ten, rating both the writing and the performance. See Verselandia! Resources site for more information.

Where: Lincoln’s Poetry Slam: To be announced.  Verselandia will be at the Arlene Schnitzer Hall.

When: Lincoln’s Poetry Slam will be on Monday, April 10th at 4:00 pm, and Verselandia will be on Thursday, April 27th, 2017 at 7 p.m.

Who: Participating schools will conduct their own poetry slams and the finalists from each school will compete against each other for great prizes.

Tickets: Will be available for purchase for Verselandia at 

How do you get involved?  Lincoln’s slam (which leads to Verselandia) will take place on April 10th.  Signup deadline is March 27st. Sign up!  Sign-up on-line at:

How do you prepare? Go to one or more of the Slam Workshops offered by Literary Arts.  See attached flyer.

If you have questions, please email me at [email protected].