Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

Brooke’Helen Delane: Reporter

May 22, 2023

courtesy of Brooke'Helen Delane

Reporter Brooke Helen Delane will study English literature and writing this fall at Western Washington University.

Brooke’Helen Delane is graduating early. She looks back fondly on her time as part of the staff of The Cardinal Times. She joined Mass Communications her sophomore year, her first year at Lincoln, after starting high school in Waianae, Hawaii.

This year, as a junior, Delane joined the newspaper, wrote several profiles about staff members and also reported on topics such as mask wearing and the affordability of college. Her interest and passion in writing will follow her to college where she will study English literature and writing at Western Washington University in the fall. 

“For one of my future careers, I’m thinking of becoming a writer,” Delane said. 

Throughout her time at Lincoln, Delane has found aspects of journalism that she is passionate about. 

“I’ve really enjoyed doing the newsworthy articles because it attracts more people to [them],” she said. 

Delane has loved the connections she has made in the past two years she’s been a part of Mass Communications class.

 “It’s a really great community,” said Delane. “Everyone is very nice.”

She looks forward to her future in writing and recommends becoming a part of The Cardinal Times staff to work with an uplifting and friendly community. 

“I believe joining can be a great opportunity for students to explore some new skills,” said Delane

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