Profile: Neomi Navarro and Debra Sankovitz

Maya Hendrickson

Throughout the past seventh months, COVID-19 has shaped how we live our lives. Now Google Meets, asynchronous assignments, and no in-person communication has become the new normal way to go through a school day. But how has this change affected students’ mental health during this time, and how are the school counselors dealing with it?


Neomi Navarro of the counseling team here at Lincoln had some interesting points on how the entire school has had to readjust to fit the parameters this year has brought. 


“The coronavirus pandemic has changed one-on-ones with students,” Navarro explains, “Staff have [had to] change the way we connect”


However, the counselors at Lincoln have banded together to make this year as collaborative as possible. 


“We have been utilizing the multiple digital platforms we have!” Shae Morris says. “Meeting with students and families via Google Meets and Zoom meetings, hosting live streaming events (since we can’t do classroom guidance in person), emailing, texting and phone calls.” 


Debra Sankovitz expands on this answer, saying a very important aspect for the counseling team is “communicating with students and families, calling and emailing.”

This year has brought on many challenges for both students and staff alike. COVID-19 has redefined how we think about learning and has made us think differently about how we live our lives. 


The counseling team here at Lincoln has been working their hardest to adapt to these strenuous times and they “recognize that students and families are impacted by the myriad events happening…around us in the world and the incredible stress it can cause”. They also add that students should “reach out if you need support!”.