The man behind the uniform: Stan Caples

Photo by Amanda Ngo

Lincoln’s campus monitor, Stan Caples, is an impactful figure to students at Lincoln.

A booming voice calls out as students quicken their pace in an effort to make it to class. A figure stands at the end of the hall, reminding students that class has already started. 


Perhaps the person with one of the most recognizable voices on campus, Stan Caples is also one of the widely adored campus monitors at Lincoln High School.


Caples started his career at Lincoln in the winter of 2005, marking this year as his 14th. A graduate of Jefferson High School, he then went on to work at Harriet Tubman Middle School as a campus monitor and was soon assigned to Grant High School as a football coach. However, right before the school year started, then-principal of Lincoln High School Peter Hamilton invited Caples to work as a campus monitor. 


While being a campus monitor for a high school is demanding, Caples has been able to create a balance with the other aspects of his life. 


“In the beginning, I was involved with a lot of different functions outside of school… but in the last five to six years, I’ve kind of pulled back from that and taken some time for myself, my family and my business,” he said.


His side business involves construction, electrical work and other forms of home remodeling.


Caples has made a profound impact working with Lincoln and the students themselves. While his main job is to monitor the campus, he also has lively conversations with students and faculty. Junior Ikasha Lowe says that during her freshman year, Caples created an environment that made her feel welcome. 


“Whenever I walk into the school, Caples always makes sure to greet me. It definitely made me feel appreciated and I have so much love for him,” said Lowe.


Through his many years at Lincoln, Caples has cemented his impact on Lincoln.


“The best part about working at Lincoln is the students,” he says. “I’m trying to make a difference in their lives in any way I can.”