Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

Ben Pahl learned skills for writing and life

May 30, 2018

Sydney Laxson

Senior Ben Pahl spent two years as a reporter.

Senior Ben Pahl has been developing his own views and voice in the classroom and  found a way to explore and express it through working on the Cardinal Times.

“I’m more accepting, and I feel like journalism gives you a power that not everyone has,” he says.

Teacher David Bailey told Pahl that “journalism always forces you to think about both sides of a story,” and Pahl likes to live by that lesson when he approaches his articles and in life.

“I don’t want people to be one sided, I don’t want people to have tunnel vision,” he says, adding, “I feel like this is what the Cardinal Times can do.”

Pahl took Intro to Mass Communications with last year’s adviser, John Killen, and continued as a staff member his senior year.

After seeing his first byline in the printed paper Pahl was motivated to continue journalism.

This year Pahl has enjoyed covering issues that relate to his peers at school. His favorite article was about cell phone and technology usage and the effects it has on relationships and dating at this age.

Deputy Editor, Daniel Lewinsohn, says Pahl “is constantly searching for the truth.” Being a person to remind his generation of these vices and being a voice for the whole school to read and think about is something Pahl enjoys.

Some of Pahl’s favorite memories include the numerous field trips the class takes including, meeting professional journalists, attending student journalism conferences and watching movies like The Post were all cherished memories for Pahl.

The experiences staff have has beyond the newsroom has been something Pahl has enjoyed the most.

“I think when we reach a level beyond Lincoln High School, that’s what really excites me,” he says.

Pahl’s open mindedness about journalism expands beyond the newsroom. He’s been heavily involved in sports from a young age, having played, football, baseball, soccer and track throughout high school, being open to many options and trying something new each year.

Before heading off to Oregon State University, Pahl encourages the student body to focus on what the Cardinal Times does. Not having read the paper until he joined the staff, Pahl learned quickly that there’s a “whole new world of Lincoln,” and much more to learn by opening the newspaper.

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