Freshmen get Lincoln survival advice from sophomores, juniors and seniors


Students crowd senior hall at lunch.


Jackson Aizjak

“Make sure your locker works.”

Molly Mastrorilli

“ Enjoy the year as much as possible. Hang out with your friends. Get involved but also enjoy what you’re doing day by day.”

Noah Hoffman

“Only freak out at the right amount.”

Katie Handick

“Time management – make sure you don’t push all your homework and studying to the last minute, especially studying. Allot your time wisely.”

Daniel Lawrence

“Apply to college now.”

Jack Friedman

“Get to class!” (In Caples’ voice)


Kate LeBlanc

“Participate in color wars.”

Annika Steele 

“Live your life, man, don’t do drugs. Stay in school. Go cards.”

Alisha Zhao 

“Use the time to really get involved outside of school.”

Jack Sanders

“Get straight A’s.”

Siri Rosenberg

“Go cards! Be organized.”


Christian Fin

“Stay in school.”

Xena Ault

“It’s okay to procrastinate as long as you get something done eventually.”

Haley Riding-In

“Don’t skip class.”

Derek Busser

“Keep up with your homework. It’s really gonna suck if you don’t.”

Jackson Lee

“Stay organized. Stay on top of things.”

Anjali Ramineni

“Use your agenda. It actually helps you and it keeps you organized and it keeps your assignments and tests organized.”