Rick LaGriede: teacher, brewer, fisherman

Rick LaGriede at 19

Rick LaGriede at 19

This week’s staff profile introduces Rick LaGriede, who grew up in Santa Ana, CA and now teaches economics and U.S. history.

Q: What clubs, sports, or organizations were you involved in during high school?

A: Primarily track and field, although I was involved in varsity football.

Q: What career did you want when you were in high school?

A: I thought I was going to be a lawyer.

Q: What was your favorite part about high school?

A: Athletics and just socializing with friends.

Q: What did you dislike most about high school?

A: I’d say the uncomfortable desks.

Q: Who were your role models growing up?

A: A runner named Lasse Viren and Dick Butkus, a linebacker for the Chicago Bears.

Q: Before becoming a teacher, what were your previous jobs?

A: I was a commercial fisherman and a brewer.

Q: Why did you choose to become a teacher?

A: Because my wife was a teacher and I wanted to help her out. I found that I really liked teaching and I really envied my wife’s schedule of having summers off.

Q: What are your hobbies?

A: My hobbies are primarily fishing and studying libertarian political theory.

Q: What advice would you offer to high school students?

A: I would encourage students to learn as much as possible instead of the grade. And consider a wide range of options for careers.