Senior Nikki Nassib has many travel destinations on her bucket list. Her top destination is Iran.
“I was born there,” said Nassib. “The last time I was there I was really young, so I barely remember it. One of my dreams – one of the things on my bucket list – is to go back and revisit my Farsi and revisit some of my family when it’s safe to do so.”
One of Nassib’s biggest inspirations is her dad.
“[My dad] came here when he was around my age, to go to university. He didn’t know much English. Now, he can give me hours … of lectures of Cold War history. He can talk about anything for hours in a second language. When I speak Farsi with him, sometimes I don’t even understand him because he uses really sophisticated words. He’s a huge inspiration for me because I think he’s one of the smartest people I’ve ever met, and I want to match that,” said Nassib.
In the future, Nassib hopes to have her own surgical practice.
“I’m not exactly sure what kind of surgery I want to go into yet. Whatever it is, I want to have my own practice and possibly own my own clinic if I’m doing anything plastic-surgery-related,” said Nassib.
During her high school career, Nassib has made many fond memories surrounding sports. Her favorite memories have been going to the football games and playing in volleyball games. She played volleyball all four years and made varsity her junior year.
“… The team was fun. By my senior year ,we had 17 people on our varsity roster. They were amazing. They were the best 16 people I could have asked to play with, so I enjoyed it a lot,” said Nassib.
Nassib’s advice to underclassmen is to not worry so much about what other people think about them.
“People don’t think of you as badly as you think they do. … [If] you’re ever in a situation where you think the other person is not talking to you because they dislike you, it’s not personal. … Chances are, if you’re dealing with that kind of lack of self confidence, the other person is too and that’s what’s shutting them off,” said Nassib. “Be someone other people can lean on because those kinds of people are not only super important, but they’re never lonely.”