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First-time voters at Lincoln reflect on their experience

First time voters at Lincoln reflect on the 2024 election. “I think [rank choice voting] allows us to have better representation by our candidates,” said Maxwell Warren.
First time voters at Lincoln reflect on the 2024 election. “I think [rank choice voting] allows us to have better representation by our candidates,” said Maxwell Warren.
Sophie Monahan

This year’s election was highly anticipated by Lincoln students who had their first opportunity to vote. The Cardinal Times checked in with six seniors about their first experience voting.

“I felt really excited,” said Ella Spangler. “I have always been interested in politics, so it was nice to have my voice actually be heard rather than just having opinions but not really being able to make change.”

Adrian Betancourt reflected on the significance of voting.

“It was a pretty cool experience to feel involved in the democratic process,” said Betancourt. “I felt like my voice was heard.”

Maxwell Warren said he researched the candidates and the issues.

“I used our Oregon voters pamphlet,” said Warren. “I read about the candidates and measures and everything on there before I voted.”

Rayleigh Bristol shared his philosophy about voting.

“I think it is important we vote for a president that will do the best for our country as opposed to our other candidates,” said Bristol.

Isaac Henry was excited about the potential for a historic election outcome.

“I was excited to see a big change in who was elected because if we elected Kamala Harris it would’ve been the first woman president,” said Henry.

Miles Faustin explained why voting matters.

“I think voting is important because if people are passionate about topics and change…it is a way to get your voice across to people who might not hear it otherwise,” said Faustin

To find out more about these student’s thoughts and feelings on the 2024 election check out our video.