Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

Cate Bikales: Editor-in-chief

May 23, 2022

Courtesy of Cate Bikales

Editor-in-chief Cate Bikales is graduating this year. She will be attending Northwestern University in the fall, where she will be majoring in journalism and political science.

Senior Cate Bikales has been a part of the Mass Communications program since her freshman year, when she took Intro to Mass Communications. From there, she rose in the ranks, starting as sports editor her sophomore year, then transitioning to managing print editor junior year, and finally editor-in-chief her senior year.

Her interest in journalism started long before freshman year. Her Korean maternal grandmother told her many stories growing up and encouraged Bikales to do the same. This love for stories grew overtime.

“Eventually, it just transformed into me wanting to tell other people’s stories,” Bikales said. “I wanted to uplift the voices of underrepresented groups and people.”

Bikales will be continuing this love of storytelling at the journalism school within Northwestern University. She plans on majoring in journalism and political science and joining the Daily Northwestern staff as a reporter.

Through her time on the Cardinal Times, Bikales has discovered which parts of journalism she prefers, and being in the journalism school will further expose her to different aspects of news.

“I’ve enjoyed writing and reporting and doing interviews more than leading reporters and news meetings,” she reflected.

Bikales encourages people to pursue the aspects of journalism that they most want to do.

“Do what you want. If you want to do the writing side, do the writing side, but if you’re more interested in podcasting or videos, do that,” she said. “You only have three years on a high school paper, so experiment and try it out.”

Bikales has loved the interpersonal connections that the Cardinal Times fosters. 

“Meeting those on the paper and also meeting the unique people that I’ve interviewed or written stories about [has been a highlight],” she said. “I love the community of the people on the paper.”

Being a reporter and editor challenges Bikales to connect with new people that she wouldn’t typically talk with. Being pushed out of her comfort zone has been beneficial.

“Getting to talk and hear the stories of all of these different people has… put my life into perspective,” she said.

Bikales has always appreciated the sense of community on the Cardinal Times. When she was a freshman, she joined members of the Cardinal Times staff on a trip to Anaheim, Calif. 

“That was one of the moments I felt pretty bonded to the paper,” she said. “ [I knew] I wanted to continue with the paper.”

From that point on, she was connected to the paper. She described everyone on staff as being welcoming and supportive, especially adviser Mary Rechner.

“I am going to miss her and everyone else on the staff.”

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