Beach House scores with ‘Devotion’

Beach House scores with Devotion

Well-known for their albums “Teen Dream” and “Bloom,” Beach House’s second album “Devotion” is often neglected even though it holds much of the band’s most intricate and reposeful songs.

With the guitar riffs from Alex Scally and the chilling vocals from Victoria Legrand, the synergy between the two stays surprisingly strong throughout the album. This is especially true in the song “Gila,” where there is a simple melody from Scally that is distorted and combined with Legrand’s vocals to create a fluid-like structure to the song that is pleasing to listen to.

Though many of the songs on the album seem to start out slow, they begin to build up to a crescendo that rewards those who stay for the whole listen. This seems like a pattern throughout the album, and some of the most intriguing melodies can be found around the halfway mark in most of the songs such as “Turtle Island” and “Heart of Chambers,” both album stand-outs.

With spine-chilling songs such as “Gila,” the album is perfect for the fall season. While Beach House takes it slower on this album than some tracks found on the critically acclaimed album “Bloom,” it has enough interesting melodic substance to keep things interesting and fresh with every listen.