Online Edition of The Cardinal Times

Physics teacher: William Hartley

October 13, 2022

Q: Were you a teacher before joining Lincoln Staff? If so, where? 

A: This is my first gig! I was a tutor during the pandemic. I taught online high school and undergrad math and science. Then I did one year of my masters program at PSU where I student taught at Lincoln last year. 

Q: What do you teach? 

A: I teach Physics. Freshman level and IB 1-2. 

Q: How are you liking the new building? 

A: It’s amazing. The school is beautiful. I love the space we have. There is so much space for everyone. Everyone can fit in their classrooms! I’m so happy we have it. 

Q: What is your favorite part about teaching? 

A: Probably getting to know the students and getting the feel for every different class. Kind of feeling out like okay, I have this one class and they are really active and energetic so I have to respond to that. I might have this other class that’s more thoughtful and they are deep thinkers so they may need more space to think. I need to be able to respond to their needs. I love feeling out the room and making the subject material fun for whatever class I might have. 

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